Compare and contrast the description of Sheridan’s property with the little cottage

Compare and contrast the description of Sheridan’s property with the little cottage

Compare and contrast the description of Sheridan's property with the little cottage
Compare and contrast the description of Sheridan’s property with the little cottage

The Sheridan’s property and the Little Cottage in “The Garden Party” are vastly different. The Sheridan’s property is grand and luxurious, with well-manicured gardens and expensive lawns, symbolizing wealth and status. In contrast, the cottage is small and humble, with a simple garden, representing simplicity, and humility. The contrast highlights the social and economic divide between the families, showcasing the different worlds they inhabit. The Sheridan’s prioritize appearance and social standing, while the Scotts’ value simplicity and genuine connection. This contrast serves as backdrop for Laura’s journey, as she grapples with her own values and sense of identity.

Read More – Explore the symbolism of the Sheridan family’s Garden in the story

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