What is Laura’s attitude towards the dead man in The Garden Party

What is Laura’s attitude towards the dead man in The Garden Party


How does Laura react to Mr. Scott’s death in The Garden Party

What is Laura's attitude towards the dead man in The Garden Party
What is Laura’s attitude towards the dead man in The Garden Party

Laura’s attitude towards the dead man in “The Garden Party” undergoes a significant transformation throughout the story. Initially, she is detached, curious and indifferent. Laura is more concerned with the disruption of the garden party than with the fact of the man’s death. She asks questions about the dead man, but her curiosity is superficial. Laura’s focus is on her own life and the party, rather than on the deceased or his family. However, after visiting the Scotts home and seeing the dead man, Laura’s attitude shifts to empathetic, respectful, and comtemplative. She begins to understand the significance of the man’s death and its impact on his family. Laura shows a newfound respect for the dead man and his family, recognizing their dignity and worth. She starts to reflect on her own life and fleeting nature of human existence. This transformation marks a significant growth in Laura’s characters, as she begins to develop a more compassionate and nuanced understanding of the world around her.

Read More – Explore the symbolism of the Sheridan family’s Garden in the story

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