Why does Laura in The Garden Party want to befriend the workmen, and why can’t she

Why does Laura in The Garden Party want to befriend the workmen, and why can’t she

Why does Laura in The Garden Party want to befriend the workmen, and why can't she
Why does Laura in The Garden Party want to befriend the workmen, and why can’t she

Laura wants to befriend the workmen because she’s interested in their lives and experiences, which are different from her own. Laura seeks genuine connections; with others, beyond her superficial relationships with her family and social circle. She begins to understand and relate to the workmen’s struggles and hardships.

However, Laura can’t befriend the workmen because the class divide between the Sheridans and the workmen creates a barrier, making it difficult for Laura to bridge the gap. Laura’s privileged upbringing and limited life experience make it challenging for her to find shared interests or understanding with the workmen. Laura’s family would disapprove of her befriending workmen, as it would be seen as unsuitable and beneath their social status. The workmen are employed by the Sheridans, creating a power imbalance that makes genuine friendship difficult.

Read More – Explore the symbolism of the Sheridan family’s Garden in the story

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